Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday

Today I am starting something new. Something that has been heavy on my heart for a long time and I hope together we can make a difference … big or small.

I love interior design.

I love the glitz and all things pretty. I love tassels and tiebacks, fabrics and furniture, crystal chandeliers and fabulous rugs.

For the last six years I’ve spent many days (and nights) & countless hours working hard to produce wonderful spaces.  There have been many tears shed, sleepless nights and moments of stress.

I’ve struggled with the concept of spending so much time and energy on “pillows” and “finishes”.  If only I spent a fraction of that energy on something “good”.  Some way to help others & better their lives. Make a difference. Make an impact.

Sure we’ve been able to donate a few dollars here and there to charities or participate in events for a good cause.  But I want to make {giving} a constant role in my life. I want to incorporate the act of kindness into Design LIFE & strive to help others.  I want my creativity and passion for design to in some way go hand in hand with giving.

So I’m starting Thoughtful Thursdays.

Each week I will share a story, idea, concept or event that is selfless & helps others. 

kindnessIt may be a simple act of kindness – like the time a lady returned my shopping cart after loading my groceries & Bella into the car simply because she saw I had my hands full.

Or the time I gave some change to the woman at Walmart because she didn’t have enough money to pay her grocery bill. 

tonsHopefully we can also share more grand acts of kindness. Stories like TOMS Shoes, who donates a pair of shoes for each pair of shoes sold to a child in need. 

So I ask you to share acts of kindness.  Ideas of thoughtfulness. Dreams of helping others.  Stories of someone who’s touched your heart or how you’ve touched others lives. 

Email me. Post a comment.

Inspire others, inspire me.